Wednesday, May 21

Hi folks! It's been a busy few weeks around here. Mother's Day was spent with my mom and I spent Sunday with her too as Bryson turned 5 years old. We celebrated him with a cookout of hamburgers and hotdogs and cake with ice cream. Fun was had by all.

This week I am preparing for a Memorial Day weekend yard sale. My first ever 2 day sale. Hope it is successful as this is a lot of hard work! Wishing everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend...blessings!

Tuesday, May 6

Beautiful blooms on this beautiful Spring day. These pics were taken at Priddy's Lawn & Garden Center. They are stocked full of pretties...makes me want to plant some of everything! Also makes me think of that famous quote Bloom where you are planted! If you live in the Madison area, stop by and see them. You won't be disappointed. Blessings!

Friday, May 2

A early pic of my mom in honor of Mother's Day coming up. I am the person I am today because of her. I love you mom! Blessings!

Thursday, May 1

Happy May Day!

Goodbye April...Hello May! I've planted my flowers and we have cabbage and onions in the garden so far. Hopefully this weekend we can finish the veggie planting.

Severe storms and tornadoes all over this thoughts and prayers for all those directly affected by these storms. We were spared and I thank God for his Mercy!

Going out to enjoy a lil sunshine. I hope everyone has a beautiful day. Blessings!

Monday, June 11


Life is certainly keeping me busy as of late and June proves to be just as busy with my wedding anniversary coming up, along with Father's Day and several family birthdays. My baby turns 20 years old and this leaves me not only reminiscing but also questioning where those 20 yrs went! Time sure has a way of slipping right by us, alot of the time unnoticed. I have been looking up more often than I did before, thanking the good Lord for all the blessings in my life. And as always I close this post with wishes for you...blessings!

Sunday, May 20

I'm really enjoying this beautiful weather we've been having. I've been working in the yard and getting my pots and planters ready for our veggies. We've decided not to have a big garden this year as we've had in the past. My DH just doesn't have the time it takes to care for one so we're doing a mini garden in containers. Just gotta have some homegrown tomatoes, cukes, and squash! We can eat our weight in these each summer. What I'll miss the most with our big garden is corn and beans. They're two of my favorite veggies and I'll  miss freezing and canning those.
I'm also enjoying my new car we purchased last week. My dear friend Rhonda and I took it for a spin on Friday while going to lunch and we checked out the sweetest lil consignment shop. On Second Thought is just too cute and was jammed packed full of all the things I love in decor. I'll definitely return there again. Until next time, blessings!

Monday, May 14

Yesterday was a lovely Mother's Day spent with my mom in NC. I drove down in the AM and she and my dad and my brother and I went to eat lunch @ Ruby Tuesdays. We all had steaks and they were yummy! In the afternoon, we had a good visit with Nicole, Dallas, and Bryson...who by the way will turn 3 yrs old tomorrow. He's growing up way too fast. I would love to bottle some of the energy that he has for future use. He's definitely a lil 'ham' and a cutie!! I hope he grows up to be a scientist or a doctor or changes the world in some spectacular way.
I hope all you mother's had a great day as well...blessings!

Wednesday, May 9

Something to smile about...

It's official...I'm the proud owner of a new car! After a very long 3 months of my poor mazda sitting in the drive, reminding me everyday that it was no longer driveable. Whew! Driving my DH's pickup has nearly wore me out. Not only is it more trouble for me to get in and out of (I'd climb up and fall out), it became a nusiance to buy groceries. I couldn't even go when it was raining...where would I put the bags?
After years of driving SUV's, I'm excited to be back in a car, especially one that gets 40 miles to a gallon of gas. Yes, I am smiling as I post this and it feels good...really good.
Blessings to you and yours!

Sunday, May 6

Easy like Sunday morning...

There's something to be said for quiet Sunday mornings. DH is usually out picking up his mom's groceries and every once in a while, Z will spend the night w/ one of his buddies. No one here this morning but me and the cat...we have the house to ourselves, it's early, and all is still, quiet, and serene-like. I can hear a rain crow in the distance and the wildbirds are beginning to wake up and share their songs w/ us. Maybe they are celebrating something as well. ...................................ok, now the crows are getting in on the action. Well, the quiet was nice while it lasted! Til next time, blessings...

Thursday, May 3

Springtime brings Hope...

It's been some time since my last post. I can't really say I've missed updating my blog as so much has been going on with me and my family. There's been sickness after sickness since the New Year began...we get one person well and then another gets sick. I, myself, have been battling depression for the past few months right along with a bunch of bad luck. It's becomes really hard to count your blessings as you feel your world is crumbling around you, but you have to keep the faith. My faith is what sustains me in the darkest hours. I reach out to my heavenly Father and let him know that I cannot handle all alone. He wraps his arms around me, wipes my tears, and gives me that much needed pep talk that I need to hear.

On a more uplifting note, I am thrilled that Springtime is reminds me of the Hope in all that is important and it's the season of growth and renewal in all living things. How exciting! You cannot be a living breathing soul and not love Spring and all the beauty it brings.

I have begun painting again...slowly but surely and hope to post some pics of my work here in the future. I also plan to update this site more often than before. As always, blessings!

Saturday, October 1

Rocks, rocks and more rocks...

Sometimes it seems like when it rains, it pours. Other times it feels just like life is throwing rocks at you. For the past few months, I've been sitting in the mud, stacking rocks into a pyramid style pile. So much has been happening that some days my head appears to be spinning around like Linda Blair's in The Exorcist. I don't know why things keep happening or why problems continue to arise. It would be lovely for my days to be speed bump-free and run as smooth as spreading peanut butter, but it's not gonna happen! I know this. I think it softens the blow a little when you hope for the best and expect the worst. I also know that God's not going to allow me to handle more than He can walk me through so...keep those rocks a'coming because I've got someone to help me stack 'em! Blessings...

Tuesday, July 19

Company's coming...

I have insomnia. My parents are coming today for a visit and I'm literally so excited I cannot sleep. I get this way everytime they's a childlike excitement like children on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa. Of course, mom and dad don't usually come bearing gifts, but what they do bring to my life is worth so much more than physical presents. They fill my home with love and laughter and fun and my heart with much joy! Can't wait to see them! Blessings...

Tuesday, July 12

Warming Up

It's another sweltering day across the south. Our thermometer on the back porch is registering at 101 degrees and we are at the foot of the Peaks of Otter. This is considered 'the mountains'. Aren't we supposed to be cooler than this?? Today has me questioning my decision to NOT put the pool up again this year. What was I thinking? I could be floating around in the nice cool water right now instead of holed up in this house, afraid to stick my head out! I hope I remember this important thought next season when I'm deciding what to do. Either that or invest in a membership at the local YMCA. Blessings to you and yours...keep cool!

Wednesday, July 6

summer loves


May your summer be filled with all the things you love!

Tuesday, July 5

Rolling out the red carpet...

Yesterday was the 4th of July. Usually by this time of the year, in North Carolina(where I'm originally from), summer vegetable gardens are now steadily producing great tasting tomatoes. On the other hand, here in central Virginia, we are normally about 2 weeks behind that. My husband always says, "if you get a ripe tomato by July 4th, you're doing good!" Well, we got our 1st ripe tomato yesterday, so I guess that means we're doing good...and here at our house, the tomato is King of the garden! So cheers to all you southern tomato lovers out's to slicing that booger afterwhile and throwing him on some burgers! Blessings!

Saturday, February 19


I love early mornings! Physically, the early mornings are not best friends w/ my body. Ahhhhh...but, mentally...this is truly the best part of my day. I spend alot of my time alone due to my DH's work, and having a teenager w/ his own life. But, there's something special about the stillness of the waking day and the quietness that it brings with it...the beauty of life in general, blooms w/ all it's glory. This is the time I savor...before the problems of the day have had time to present themselves. This is the time...the world seems most innocent. This is the tastes best. This is the time...I feel the most blessed!

Monday, September 20

passing on...

It is w/ a sad and heavy heart that I write this today...I just learned of the passing of a loved one about an hour ago. My aunt had quite the following...people who not only loved to be near to her, but also loved the ideal of her and what she stood for in the community. She raised a family of 5 in a Christ filled home, in a 'worldly' society without ever wavering, once, away from her beliefs. I'm sure during her 87 yrs., she saw many changes come to her life. What a wonderful celebration, upon seeing her life partner of 60 plus yrs. again, this morning, in Heaven! I can only dream of such a day...
Until next time, blessings!

Wednesday, August 18

What am I doing?

Oh my goodness, it looks like I've become a once a month blogger. This is not good and not what I had intended either. I can only hope to do better! Here's something fun I found on Will and Joanna's blog.(I think they borrowed the idea, too!) Sums it all up; what I've been up to...

Buying: back to school stuff
Considering: opening an Etsy shop
Cooking: making Damson preserves
Eating: home grown green beans and tomatoes
Googleing: hardly ever google
Learning: "I can't have my cake and eat it too"
Listening: David Nail
Loving: quiet time in the early AM
Planning: trip 'home' to NC on Labor Day wk'end for family barbeque
Reading: Prayers
Watching: Big Brother
Wearing: Capri pants w/ a short sleeve blouse
Wishing: the distance to S'ville was shorter
Thankful: for the trip to Tennessee w/ my parents & Zach
Writing: sympathy cards
Hoping: Zach has a great senior yr in HS

Still have lots of prayer requests, including unspoken ones for my niece and nephew. And I cant forget my special friend, Nikki, who needs a kidney and who is having surgery for an ovarian tumor at the end of the month. I love all my family and friends!
Until next time, blessings!

Wednesday, July 7

Zach, Nicole and Bryson(photo taken on Zach's b-day)

Whew! Temperatures have definitely risen over the past week across the US and here in the south, we remain dry as a bone. And with no significant rain in the forecast, our garden is truly suffering the effects! At this time, last year, we were harvesting our first tomatoes. This year, we got a later start in planting and now with the dry spell, I'm wondering if we'll have any vegetables come from it! But, there's no need in worrying over it because if it's God's will, we will be blessed with fruits from thy labor. If not, there won't be any canned veggies, or homemade pickles in my house this winter!

There's been much ado since I last posted and a couple of milestones were reached, one being my son turned 18 years of age on June 2oth. Where did those years go, I ask? All too often, I look at him and in my mind, I still see him as a toddler. This gets weird at times, especially when I see him driving off in his diapers!!! But, that's okay...he'll always be my 'baby'!

Speaking of toddlers? Bryson continues to grow and is walking up a storm! Don't get to see him that often, but I hear he's into everything, but the kitchen sink!! There's nothing slow about him, either! His mom continues to suffer with back problems and is probably facing surgery in the near future. I imagine it's pretty tough looking after a 1 yr.old, when your back feels like it's breaking in half! Prayers continue for my sweet niece...

Til next time, blessings!

Tuesday, June 1

blessings of Spring...

Wow...June 1st? Springtime is my most favorite season of all and it's fastly coming to a close real soon. I haven't posted in a while as I've been busy trying to enjoy every minute that I possibly can of this period of renewal. I wish I could bottle up and save some of the beauty that abounds during this three month span...the new growth and blossoms of trees and shrubs, the blooming of new plants and flowers, the appearance of bees, dragonflies, fireflies and butterflies, birds scurrying about to build nests to house their offspring...the smells that lightly fill the air like honeysuckles and yes, even freshly mowed grass! And I love the temps for this time of the year, too...right before the days get HOT and stay that way, for what seems like forever. The humidity is lower and the warm sun on your face and shoulders just feels heavenly. Yep, this is the time that I want to get outside and stay there! And I've been having some really good days as far as my health goes...Fibro and Artie seem to prefer springtime, too!

Life has continued to go on while I've been 'playing' outside. Mom and Dad have had a successful season at the garden center. It's been a very busy time for them and I'm looking forward to them wrapping up so they can get here for an extended visit with us.

My favorite little fella, Bryson, celebrated his 1st birthday! He's learning to walk, taking a few steps here and there and learning to balance himself, steadily upon his own. Of course, he prefers to crawl, as this is a speedier means of transportation for him!

My teenager will celebrate a milestone of his own in a couple of weeks, turning 18 years of age. Seems like just a few months ago, he was just beginning to take his first steps! His junior year of high school is also coming to a close in a few days. He'll be a senior (WOO HOO one more year to go!!!) when school starts back in August.

My nephew, Nick has just moved into his own place. This is the first time for him, living away from 'home'. He's very excited and I wish him all the best!

My cousin Joanna, whom I love and respect so much, became engaged last week. This is very exciting news for the family. I've not yet met this wonderful beau of hers...well, her fiance', now...but I know that if she thinks that he is worthy of her hand in marriage, then he has to be one awesome dude!! So, I trust her judgement on this and wish them all the happiness and blessings that their lives together, can hold. Congrats to you both, Joanna and Will!

Ok, I think this is pretty much an update on the latest happenings and news surrounding my household. As you can see, just another few good reasons that spring is such an exciting time. Until my next post, blessings!

**Still praying for my good friend.("Nikki needs a kidney")
"Nikki,you never wander far from my you girl!"

Thursday, May 13

A bigger storm...

As the days and hours continue to pass by so quickly, I find that my desire for mingling amongst our society continues to wain, as well. My tolerance for idiotic behavior is very much below the normal range of the average person.
I don't think I'm holier than thou, nor do I believe that I am superior to the next person. I just don't have the patience for ill mannered people.
One of my favorite quotes is " Be kinder than necessary " because you never know how big the storm is that a person might be weathering.
Til next time, blessings!

Thursday, April 29

Keep on keeping on!

If I've learned anything at all since I've gotten older, it's that you shouldn't stand idle for too long, or life just might pass you by. Usually this happens without receiving any kind of notice or warning on the subject also. You wake up one day, look in the mirror, and you don't recognize the person eyeballing you back. The questions begin rolling around in your head as this person continues to stare a hole through you...What happened to my hair?...How come I haven't done many of the things I planned to do years ago?...Is that a skin tag on my neck?...Where are the people I was certain would remain constant in my daily living?...What...gray hair in my brow?...Where did my son's childhood go?( he's approaching 18 )
There are many reasons why your life might take unexpected twists and turns; some you can manuever and change. Some you can' it is when suffering with an auto immune syndrome, like Fibromyalgia.
I think the uncertainity of the days ahead are the most frustrating to me. I want to work in my garden. I want to craft. I want to travel. Such simple things to most, but extremely difficult for me due to fatigue, pain and soreness. My plan is to keep on keeping on and allow God to help me lighten the load.
Til next time, blessings!

Wednesday, March 31

I just celebrated another birthday on Monday and although 48 is not considered over the could've fooled me! My body seems to think otherwise, so I'm constantly trying to remind my limbs that they certainly have many more miles to travel, yet!
Anytime, the good Lord blesses me with another year, or another day for that matter, I am thankful for it. I physically suffer with pain everyday. If its not my muscles aching with soreness from Fibro, its my joints hurting from Artie. Then there's my mind...aching from worry. It is so much easier to state the phrase "don't worry about it" than it is to actually practice it. I guess we tell people this so that we can take some of the pressure off of them, by doing it ourselves. I am a worrier...I admit it, but I'm also a warrior. A prayer warrior, that is. Prayer is awesome! And right now there's several people needing prayer and healing...
This morning, Bryson's dad is having major disc surgery. I pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands through a successful surgery and grant Dallas a speedy healing.
My nephew, Nick, suffered a seizure this past weekend and spent two nights in the hospital. I pray for answers as to what caused this along with safety and healing for him, as well.
My friend, Nikki, is in the latter stages of kidney failure and is needing a transplant. I pray that God will give her body renewed strength and her mind the renewed faith to assist her on this journey...may her wait for a 'match' be short.
My friend, Rhonda, is experiencing several personal issues and is in need of prayers on her behalf. I pray it is God's will to help her seek answers and relief from these problems.
Zach is participating in the physical driving stage of his driver's training at the present time. I pray for his and the teacher's safety on the highways along with a passing grade and a driver's license upon completion of this course.
Consider assisting those you know and love, who may be experiencing difficulties, with prayer. Til next time...blessings!

Sunday, March 21

prayer for my bff...

Life is crazy! It reminds me of an amusement park ride...there are highs and and downs...certainty and uncertainty. That uncertainty or the 'unknown' can be a thriller for some, but for most people, it brings on an enormous amount of stress and anxiety.

I received news yesterday of a woman who needs a kidney transplant. The news hit really close to home and stung like a fighting hornet. Not only is this woman a beloved wife and mother, she's also a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a cousin...and, she's my friend! Not just my friend, but a friend to many.

I don't remember the exact date and time that Nikki and I became friends. However, I can tell you that for the past dozen or more years, she and I have remained in contact with one another...the last seven years, through long distance contact...exchanging and sharing news of re-marriages, new jobs, both of us experiencing moves away from our families and friends, and yes,..even health issues between us. (and maybe a secret or two..ya know?...girl stuff!) Oh, and problems! It's all in there somewhere...

Somehow, the problems that troubled me before yesterday, like, my health issues and catching the teenager doing things that most teenagers are going to try behind your back, don't seem all that bad. There again... there's certainty and uncertainty. I'm always going to be a mom but will I always be a friend? I'm asking God to help me with that one this me with obedience in prayer and to support Nikki in anyway I can through this crisis. If you believe in the miracles that come from prayer, I ask that you join me.

Til next time...blessings!

Thursday, March 11

Any the wiser...

This post should definitely come as a surprise to my couple of followers! I like to keep people on their toes. To say I've neglected South of my heart as of late, would be an understatement. I could say that I've been so busy with the production of my handmade items, that it's left me little time to blog. Or, maybe some great and exciting, life changing event has taken place in my life to keep me preoccupied. But, the truth of the matter is, I've been bad...very, very bad. In all honesty, I've chosen to spend my 'winter blue' days on Facebook. This application of splendid technology, that I despised so much in the beginning, has on many days, this past winter, been my saving grace. I'm addicted to the games! FarmVille in particular...but I enjoy too many of the other games, as well. Sure, it pleases me to keep in touch w/ family and friends, but the ultimate enticement and pleasure for me, lies in the apps! Family and friends are the added bonus!

I have a birthday coming up this month and I've discovered that even though I may be growing older...I'm not neccessarily any the wiser! Til next time...blessings!

Friday, January 22

Heros vs Villians...

Time slips away from me so easily these days. It's hard to believe that today is the 22nd day of January. Weren't we just celebrating Christmas, yesterday? Almost a month ago, now...but there is an upside of this...for me, anyway. Won't be long now before the new season of Survivor: Heros vs Villians starts. I believe it begins on Feburary 11. Can't wait! I absolutely love this show, no matter how corny I sound or may be.

We have a little ice this morning, in the form of freezing drizzle. School was cancelled and I'm sure traffic was a headache for all commuters, trying to get wherever they needed to be. Cancelling school was a headache for me! Like my mom always used to say, though... I'm "old enough for my wants not to hurt" me.

Til next time...blessings!

Tuesday, January 19

30 yrs. young...

No...not me. Oh, what I would do if I were 30 again!? I'm speaking of my niece. She turned 30 yesterday. We had a lil gathering for her at 'home' in NC, on Sunday. It was a good time, great fellowship and good food! I got to spend some time with my number one lil man, Bryson who is just before being 8 months old. He's at a funny stage right now...where everything he does amuses us all. We just ooh and aah all over him like a bunch of crazy people. But, that's just the way my family rolls...but, if you're not from this bloodline, I'm sure if you were watching from a distance, you'd wonder if all our papers were in order!(for admission to the crazy farm)
So, even though I saw her and celebrated with her, I'd just like to say, Happy Birthday, Nicole...after all, you only turn 30 once! Hope you have many, many more and I'm around to celebrate each and every one of them!
Til next time...blessings!

Thursday, January 7

More snow on the way...

After 14 inches of snowfall just two short weeks ago, mother nature is raring to go again. We're not expecting anything like that last storm...only a coating to 2 inches, but still...we live in an area that usually is lucky to see an inch a year! Not to mention, we're in the midst of an artic freeze...not above freezing during the day and down in the low teens at night. Even know, the one who breaks out in a sweat if someone breathes...has had a chill or two.

Speaking of cold and hot.....
There is a constant disagreement in my house over the thermostat setting. I'm a firm believer in setting it at a certain degree and then..."leave it alone"! DH, on the other hand, is forever freezing and 'bumping it up a notch', as he calls it. He walks by and bumps it up...I walk behind him and bump it down! I have pleaded w/ him to put on layers, as I have taken off all I can, w/o being obscene in front of the teenager! Nor, would I want either of them to laugh themselves into a tizzy! Doesn't do a bit of good, though. So, I don't expect to be held responsible if either of them fall over dead, all my wrinkles and rolls!...I'm just saying!
Til next time, blessings!

Friday, January 1

A day of firsts...

Today is the first day of January...the first day of the new year, 2010. It is the first day of a new decade, if you will. For those of you who make new year resolutions, today would mark the first day of the start of those resolutions. I don't 'do' resolutions. My philosophy is "don't make'm...can't break'm"! In the past, I don't remember ever keeping a resolution and seeing it through. Maybe I'm weak. (actually, I think my will power meter is BROKEN!) Maybe I'm not traditional in my thinking or maybe I just don't get caught up in all the hype of a NEW year. However...this year could be an exception.
I have loved this blog from the very first key that I, almost a year ago. I admit, I got sidetracked with life's little inconveniences over the past 2 months. Well, some were small...others appeared huge, at the time...but, whatever the size of the stepping stones, they've led me back here. It all started as a suggestion that came from one of my physicians. He recommended daily journaling as a way of coping with living with FMS. He meant for me to write in a diary or journal, quietly away from the world. And I did. For a few months, anyway. That was before I discovered that I didn't want to sulk, pout, hurt, ache or feel REALLY GOOD, quietly. I wanted to try living out loud, or at least, in the hopes of my words reaching, maybe someone else, who might be experiencing the same pain...that invisible kind. Because that's what Fibromyalgia is...invisible! To the average person, I look well and healthy. You cannot see my illness. But, believe's there. I live with the pain and fatigue every , single day.
I'm back to blog again...maybe not every day but certainly much more often than I have been. It's not my new year's resolution. It's a promise I've made to myself to help my body and my mind cope in an uncertain time...with that being said, I'd like to make a toast...(lifting my glass of coca cola)...May this new year...the first day of a new decade, hold many special blessings in our lives and may we find much joy in every day! Happy New Year!!

Sunday, October 25

A fall Sunday...

I've been really neglecting my blog as of be perfectly honest, I haven't felt as though there was anything interesting enough to write about. Nothing but FMS and the effects that it wreaks upon my body, and blah, blah, blah, blah blah!

I haven't been getting out that much lately, because I haven't felt like it or wanted to do so, but, this morning, I talked my dear hubby into playing hookey from church and we rode out to eat breakfast and took a ride along the parkway. Simply beautiful fall colors and breathtaking views. Of course, I didn't leave the house without my camera. Below, you can take a gander at some of the numerous pics I shot.

On the way to breakfast

Getting on the parkway

Sign at one of the look-outs

I was trying to capture the valley below...didn't realize until later how I captured the unusual swirls in the clouds

Look-out shot

Another sign

Look-out shot

This was right before we got to the Peaks of Otter...we live at the foot of the Peaks

When we reached Sharp Top Mountain...we took this dirt road back down the mountain. It's a narrow and winding one lane road, with very sharp curves. I snapped this pic as we had just traveled this part of the road, and were rounding one of those sharp turns

Another look at the narrow, rocky lane

An old barn we passed in the woods

An old truck frame on the side of the lane

An old abandoned farmhouse with gingerbread trim

We stopped by the grave of DH's father. He's buried in an old country community cemetary. This old church sits across the road from it and is about 200 yrs. old.

One of the old markers at the cemetary. Not the oldest, but the oldest one that you could still read clearly

A view from the back of the cemetary

Another view fron the back. You should really click on these photos to enlarge them for a better view

We're on our way back home

This is the road we live on

We're going to turn into our driveway which is right across the road from that white house up there on the right

This time of the year, you can hardly see our driveway for all the fallen pine needles

And...we're home again. Til next time, blessings!